Surviving Death and Taxes for Self-Employed Business Owners
Anyone who is trying to start or operate their own business knows that things can change in an instant- company policy changes, ever shifting political environments, the ebb and flow of markets. The only thing in this world that is constant is change, and “nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” […]
Social Media MGMT for Small Businesses
Social media has made its way into many parts of our everyday lives. What many of us began using as a social medium has become one of the most important aspects of marketing, advertising, and professional networking. With Ecommerce business exploding in popularity, many customers make purchases directly from links that they followed from social […]
Procrastination Killers
Let’s be honest. Even the best of us- the most motivated and dedicated workaholics- deal with procrastination in some form or fashion. The Association for Physiological Science says that as many as 20% of us may be chronic procrastinatorss! Although the couch looks comfy, those Doritos look tasty and Netflix has a new season of […]
Basic Accounting Advice
Breaking Away From Poor Bookkeeping and Accounting Habits We have talked much about the importance of keeping and organizing records for your business. You should now know what Omnis can do to help your company run more efficiently. You should also know how we can take some of the day-to-day tasks off of your […]
Time Management Techniques
Making the Most of Your Most Valuable, Non-renewable Resource Time is the ultimate non-renewable resource. At least for now, you can get more fuel for your company trucks. You can always hire more help. There is always more money to be made. Time, however, you cannot get back. You ultimately have 1440 minutes and you […]
New Year, New Business
The new year is here and so many possibilities have arrived with it! Numerous people feel motivated to make more healthy lifestyle decisions or to break bad habits with this fresh start. However much inspiration people find to make a change, only 8% of people actually stick to their resolutions. Don’t let your business suffer […]
4 Steps To Creating A Budget
4 Steps To Creating A Budget Dreams and big ideas are what bring progress to our world. Dreams are what great achievements and giant leaps for humanity begin as. If it weren’t for dreamers we wouldn’t be driving around every day in metal cans at 85 mph (yes, we all know speed limits are suggestions.) […]
Tips to Help Your Business Survive the Holidays
Most people have already begun the hunt to find the perfect gifts for their holiday celebrations. The planners and early-bird shoppers begin their search before Thanksgiving! However, it’s not too late for you to cash in on the seasonal spending surge! The peak of sales for the holiday season can last from October to January. […]
Socializing and Networking Tips for the Introverted Business Owner
Many of the most excellent artisans, craft-persons, and self-starters have become masters of their field through hours of devoted study and years of honing their skills. For that very reason, many of them also lack some basic social skills. Some would be described as gruff, anti-social, or even rude- even though they may not have […]
We Want to Hear From You!
Over the last month, we have released four articles that explain a few aspects of our industry, and our company in particular. We covered topics such as “Most Common Bookkeeping Mistakes”, “How Can Outsourcing Your Bookkeeping Save You Time & Money?”, “The E-Commerce Takeover”, and “What are Business Solutions and How They Can Help Your […]